Czarująca łódka / Charming boat

Dziś na blogu mini kursik od Istorkiny!
Jest to kartka w kształcie łódki, ozdobiona drewnianą ramką z wycinankowej kolekcji SIMPLE.

Today on our blog , we have for you mini tutorial from Istorkina!
This is a card - boat with Wycinanka`s wooden frame from SIMPLE collection.

1. Cut two boats from cardstock and three from scrap paper.

2. Put one piece of paper with wooden print on the cardstock. It will be an imitation of the mast. Glue the two pieces of syntepon to the cardstock on places of the sails. Cut the sails from the fabric.

3. Sew them on the perimeter. Cut three strips from 1mm cardboard. It will be an imitation of boards. 

4. Paint stripes with brown acrylic paint (I used burnt umbra). And scratch the paint with an awl.

5. Then paint the stripes with help of almost dry brush with white gesso. And glue boards to the cardstock.

6. Glue all the pieces of the card to their places and decorate the top of it with Wycinanka’s products. 
Yep! Card-boat is done :)

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