
Dekoracja świątecznego stołu / Christmas table decoration

Wczoraj na wycinankowym fanpage`u pokazaliśmy Wam przedsmak fantastycznej inspiracji od Very. 
Jest to pomysł na dekorację świątecznego stołu. Ozdoby wykonane z pomocą wycinankowych produktów: tekturowego płatka śniegu z kolekcji WONDERFUL TIME oraz stempelka CHRISTMAS DOODLES.
Dziś na blogu więcej zdjęć, dokładny opis autorki i... mała niespodzianka jaką jest przepis na świąteczne pierniczki! 

Yesterday, on our fanpage, we showed you a small foretaste of this fantastic inspiration from Vera. This is a Christmas table dcoration with our: WONDERFUL TIME snowflake and CHRISTMAS DOODLES stamp.
Today we have more photos, precise description and... little surprise - recipe for Christmas gingerbread! 

"So here is my table decoration. I have made multifunctional toppers with a secret. You can use them different ways: put together with knife and folk, or put them into a jar and stir fruit in mulled wine... Children can use them as magic sticks. Or you can put names on them and stick into tangerins or apples to indicate right seats at the festive table. And finally there is a secret hidden in decorated central part: kraft rolls with Christmas wishes of predicions so every guest at the table could have a glance into the future. The rolles dont's fall down due to small double sided stickers which are quite easily separated from the decor."

"And here is my Christmas recipe:
Gingerbread fur tree (I used one in photographs)
150gr butter
350 gr flour
1 table spoon soda
2 table spoon honey
1 table spoon ginger powder
200 gr sugar
1 egg

1) Mix flour, soda and ginger and butter with a fork to make small crumbs. 
2) Add sugar, warm honey and thorougly mixed egg. 
3) Put into the fridge for half an hour. 
4) Roll the dough 0.5 mm thick and cut stars of different sizes (I have 5 sizes).
5) Bake in the oven at 190C for 8-10 min and take out of the oven immidiately.
6) Sprinkle the cookies with sugar powder and wait while they cool down.
7) Build the Fur tree using 2 stars of each size from bigger to smallest sticking them to each other with honey or sugar glaze."

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