Przenosimy się do Cathrine mieszkającej w północnej części Norwegii. Zaprosiła nas do swojego świetnie zorganizowanego craftroomu, w którym każda rzecz ma swoje miejsce.
Przy okazji przygotowała krótki kursik na jesienną kartę z Wycinankowymi listkami.
We are moving to Cathrine, who lives in northern part o Norway. She invited us to her well organized craftroom, where every thing she is using has own place - it looks perfect :)
By the way, Cathrine has prepared a little course for autumn card.
This is the most important part of my craftroom. I like to have most off my supplies nearby. All my papers and stamps are placed behind me so I just turn around to reach for them. Under my Big Shot I have drawers with stash like bling, chipboards, metal embellishments, resins, laces and so on. I also have hangers with more flowers and fabrics on the sides. This hobby makes a lot of leftover plastic, pieces of paper-scraps and so on, so I decided to sort my trash and save the environment as best as I can.

live in the northern part of Norway and there is no daylight here in the
winter, so it’s important for me to have extra light when I take pictures of my
craft pieces. That is why I decided to use a part of my craftroom to place a
tent and some small lamps. This way it’s really easy to take pictures of my
cards etc. It’s nothing fancy but it makes life a bit easier.

my amazing kit from Wycinanka I got some autumn leaves, and because it’s autumn
I decided to try to create something with these chipboards. Autumn colours are
not my favourite, but I challenged myself and just decided to go with it. As
you can see everything is in order. My desk is tidy and everything is on point
;-) Just wait for it...

I try to decide where my picture is going to be placed.

I start to play around with embellishments. The chaos is about to get real…
finally think I have a plan.

is building up as I glue all parts together. I have to say that I cleaned my
room and desk before I took these pictures. The reality is uglier. I

decided to use the lovely small leave stamp and just fuzzy cut them and use
them in between the chipboards.

card is almost finished. It just needs the final touch.